Nothing Is forever not even religion considering it wasnt around in early human history and after humans it will be all but forgotten. We are not...
What if everyone just "quit" the government makes everyone work especialy women and children. theres no quiting just everyone having the same...
Since Japan ordered all of its citizens to fight to the end [even children and women] this resulted in all of Japan becoming militarized and that...
Communism makes hard workers have to share their profit with lazy moochers. Capitalism > communism in that sense of to much equality.
String theory might explain everything someday we just need to learn how to understand it too lol. String theory will do horrible things to your...
Well since we are still in a war............... just write about iraqu and how it will probably lead to further conflic with foriegn powers.
This has been done before the game was even release how havent you guys seen this before lol? Ive seen this done before and done better with out...
"Feel my pain" that sounds emo to me. But ya do what you want and what ever be yourself but im not guarenteeing the chicks will accept your social...
Yeah I dont believe in a God myself and what you said about the only way science would replace religion was to have a large dicovery such as where...
The condensing of a former universe because of one giant black hole putting everything into one point.Then the entire universe is at this point...
Humans/humanoids have been around for 3.2 million years "Lucy" discovered in Ethiopia. And religion has been around for much less than that mabey...
Wars are started because of differences in groups usualy they are over land or personal views [Religion] and its not far out there to assume that...
Knowledge is knowing someting and wisdom is knowing something through exsperience. I prefere wisdom over knowledge.
Yes but it does rid the orriginal sin and if theres no baptism or confession than aborted babies go to hell. lol [Nothing lasts forever not humans...
Gotta love never ending paradoxes to explain the un explainable.
Im a first person shooter fan so of course i will pick "golden eye" its a timeless game. And i think your all time list should have some more...
Robotic warfare would be awesome especialy if you can control the units like a video game. :] The new age in gaming anyone? lol seriously...
No most likely people will eventualy grow out of religion and then believe in something new. People will always have some belief in something...
simple and very effective :]