This was very fun testing and this is a great mini game for any party size. I've found it best works with smaller parties when you dont have a...
Yup lol Im like "wait WTF am I doing this makes no sense."
I used to believe ,I went to church for 15 years, Then I realized none of my prayers did anything. I recieved no response to any of them and i...
This is a crazy concept and I was woundering if you were going to post it on forgehub after xforgery,you did :] Fun map really cool set up and the...
Thank you for actualy watching it even if its long it breaks down the basics of how prayer has little to no effect on a person it actualy has a...
Watch my above video its a very good argument and sometimes contreversal as shown by the comments of angry christans lol.
YouTube - The best optical illusion in the world! This is religion lol
My time started as playing and making maps and thats what im still doing to this day just on a more refined scale.
Thanks for doing that I'll see you around :]
Forge Hub - View Profile: Dog Bone Forge Hub - View Profile: Johnathan quail Forge Hub - View Profile: oWNoSid Forge Hub - View Profile: Shell...
Favorite Campaign Level - Mile High club Favorite Moments - The last scene in the final mission when your squad gets killed Favorite Weapons - My...
Actauly they just maul each other lol
Whats the Debate Why theres a need for organization and can you explain what organizing means? duh theres a need for organization probably more...
You know that the second half of the Mythic map pack has a midship remake right? Its a decent remake but since Bungies giving us one sonnish ,idk. :/
MMMMMMMMMMMmm that sly dog :) [oh look **** :)] lol
Talk to God here iGod | Artificial Intelligence Chat I had a nice convo with him about Taco bell I never believed in hm till i IM'd him :] lol...
Nice Sounds good I wounder if we will find waldo in hell? ;]
String theory is how we think the universe might work and you have to find how something works before you know how it was created in most cases.
When he allowed us to commit such acts against each other ,acts so disturbing that he even shivers when he looks at all the innocent blood...