Quiga quiga quiga quiga! Don't forget to watch the game on FSN at 5:30. It was probably one of the best high school football games I've ever...
Don't be late!! [IMG] Boundaries breaking. Minds exploding. New maps being revealed. It's all happening this December... Debo Night 2008 Be...
Felipe's doing it; I'm his consultant and I'm in charge of promoting it. XD
Don't look up, for the monster shall come. [IMG] Paradigms shattering. Bodies falling. Jaws dropping. Yeah, it's kinda like that. And it's...
Wow. If rep still mattered, I would hax the system and give Nemi...
Welcome to ForgeHub! I hope you enjoy your time here, and become the skilled mapmaker you have the potential to be! And, since no one else...
Welcome to ForgeHub! If a certain user named SargeantSarcasm offers you food or candy, DO NOT ACCEPT THE OFFER. He's a creepy guy. Anyway, you...
Schmexy. Have a good one bud!
Nope. :( My mother wouldn't let me since I wasn't doing anything with theater this semester.
True that. But still. It's basically a night of simulated sex. And I haven't had one of those in over three weeks. XD
Are you going to the dance tonight?
Read my new CT Ryan. You'll **** bricks.
My new CT is win.
Missed ya! <3
That visitor message was pure win.
HOLY MOTHER OF NECRO PUNCHES! Wow. I saw this thread in my User CP and freaked out.
It's coming along excellently if I may say so myself. Expect a release sometime around Christmas. In fact, expect MANY releases from me around...
Thanks for notifying me of the matchmaking playlist group. I hadn't the faintest idea!