so why should i buy that insurance if that guy will give me his blood?
Do you like it?
tusk, are you aware your names are car manufacturers?
come back rho. rho for ppc member '11
your mother was a monster last night. oh yeah.
hmmm. skype!
ok. but im on euro server.
then sexy.
diablo III
he likes lady gaga?
i dare you to break one panel of ice on the roof.
i want a full version of him dying.
ppc how does it work?
you get buttsex'd
im here, just playing gaems
aww hell nawww
i think some chuck is rubbing off on you. too bad its not working for chuck though.
that was 2009?
feed people right-handed amino acids. give them cancer.
*tusks i think it leaves you with just boar...