Because it's that difficult to change is so it says that I made it. Lol. WELL PLAYED, SIR.
I care who, You wrote Fraggy made it. This is a matter of HONOR.
But I made the logo. ;_____;
As soon as you make it say I (Not Fraggy) made it, then of course. Lol there's a word for what I'm doing in this situation, but I can't think of...
No, I'm awesome at everything. And at LG, it's "dutch", lol.
You're an idiot. Shut up.
I was here.
No, he just never asked me to tell you, I assumed he would've asked you on your own prof. Lol.
I deleted mine, he hasn't. :0
I MADE IT, YOU PICKED MINE And I don't think normal users (Frag) can remove posts, ask a mod.
... No.
... Since when did I ever give a **** about this thread? GG Frag. Lol.
Mace's art tut thing that Shad0w deleted.
LolNo, we thought of it at the same time but I beat you to the punch. You only posted it on his public profile before I did. Oh, and MY text looks...
LOL, Literally 2 seconds from posting mine! I went to watch Dane Cooke, did you JUST finish that? What's it been, an hour since you started? :B
Dammit Frag! I was just about to post this, lol! (P.S. I finished mine first, lol) (P.P.S. No, really!) [IMG] Edit: STFU Frag, I see your crappy...
you have skype?
I don't want to imagine what that man could do to you.