Since ****ing when, all dicks are the same to you. I would know. I'm a *****.
You get all the ugly peeps too, since when do sluts care?
At least whores make money.
Don't you "*****!" me, you ****-in-a-box! >:C
Emo douchebag. Yeah, I said it. Punk.
Yup. Just make sure you don't turn out like Sharpshooter, nagging people for Loyal and becoming an overall nuisance in an attempt to help. Offer...
Wait what? No, I meant just to cut it in a single place. The pain makes you feel alive.
Rly? Just like that?
Loyals are picked by other colored members based on a user's behavior on the Forums - overall helpfulness, grammatical use of the English...
As soon as PrivatePhesicious writes the script.
If anyone can make you cut your hair, it's me. So... you know. Cut it.
"Happy Loyal to you Happy Loyal to you Happy Loyal dear Mastar We've all seen you nude" I ****ing love you, Debo.
Oic. Dammit chrst.
FINAL-****ING-LY Took them long enough.
Yeah, me and my friend joke about doing it a lot but there are really no places we could do it around where we live - a lot of trees. :(
... Alright, then.
Don't group me in with them bitches. I aint' no *****.
So the staff have their own next loyals thread? ;__;
Cut your hair.
Make Mastar Loyal? We've been waiting quite some time. :0