You change colors more than I change my underwear.
Twas a joke, he chose to go back to regular. Also, lets all try our best to stay close to topic. I know this is constructive banter, but it's...
Done. thesilencebroken to regular.
You and Neverless both have good points, but I wouldn't get too twisted about all of this since it's not even up for discussion in the Staff...
In that respect I would tend to agree. Alot of Premiums are good members and offer valuable feedback, but some just don't work out *Ahem Blaze...
So would you support taking away the Loyal rank? Cause being helpful and posting responsibly should be reward enough also. No need for a special...
As far as I can count, Architects would be: TrueDarkFusion Shock Theta Rusty Eagle TheYavimayan Asper49 Cosmic Rick Obviously TDF and Shock...
There aren't many colors in the available palette that go well, this combo is probly the best. And please take the time to vote based on the Pro's...
Hmm. I vote yes for this. I agree with the Pro's more than the Con's. Plus, I think people are smart enough to be able to understand the process....
It's cool man, no pressure no pressure :0)
Well, you're more than welcome. Just send me a message if you see me on and you wanna play
Playing some Horde tonight, round 9 if you want in. Got 3 so far, looking for a 4th and 5th.
will do lol
Yeah you are good, you may have an IP provider that recycles IP addresses, sort of like AOL. This makes it hard to track IP's because there are so...
Your IP's are all good broseph :0)
I'll check them all tomorrow and get back to you, but I randomly clicked on more than a dozen and there wasnt any other names.
You have like 30 IP addresses associated with your name lol. After clicking randomly on them for a few minutes I only saw you associated with...
You just wanna know what your IP address is? Or if there are other names attached to it?
I can see what you are saying, perhaps challenging us to be involved with the community more would have been a better route than shutting...
I feel ya. I agree some moderation is needed, but maybe dropping the guillotine was a bit hasty. Time will tell.