Gotta be honest, I may just buy Halo Wars. Eff waitin for this!
*Screams with glee at the sight of the floor* [IMG] Perfect alignment it.
Stop doing all the reported posts!! Save some for me bish!!
Damn, this kids a PIMP!!
I gotta hit the sack, I plowed snow all day. Poo. Later man.
Sweet, glad to hear it :0)
Lol, thanks...You too??? Jesus! You are like a girl, always changing your mind ;0)
You bastard.
You are all still looking too much into it guys. It's just a rank image. It will be clarified that this is strictly cosmetic and makes nobody more...
Oh but we do ;0)
I would stab you if I had the chance.
I hope you get the shits, choke on a chicken bone, and drop your garbage plate on the ground right after declaring yourself "starving".
Pssh, whatever! If there was a race to Taco Bell I would totally win. IN YOUR FACE!!!
True, but I hold the power of the Taco.
Lol, touche.
You guys are looking way too far into this. There are absolutely no new powers involved with this rank, just the image and the respect.
It's all good man, good luck. But you do know that since you hold no color we can't be friends anymore, right?
I may be wrong, but I think you can have the image but have access to the Pub turned off.
Didn't want to keep the Premium image though? You should, it's a symbol of your hard work.