Ya i agree the host thing is really bad and the playlist feels like they took 5 minutes to make. Also the elites are the dumbest thing in it. (no...
NO not 1% because that would mean 1/100 and then there would be about 4000 people or more with recon (idk how many play halo)
Oh god that one was 'orrible.
What other thing i was gonna add? ( dont know how to switch forums *cough* still on topic anyway since its about sigs.)
Knight try this : [IMG] or <a href="http://s239.photobucket.com/albums/ff102/mageofmagyk/?action=view¤t=spinanasmlzj7.gif"...
I see said a blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.
better? not really all that I did for holy's is play with liquify X3
Yes but i made another sig for my friend who can get out of almost any map: [IMG]
Ya its free on GH3 from marketplace.
They look pretty sweet.
Your waiting for awhile cuz he's in school. >_<
Told you it was better. *proud moment*
used to play runescape, Maplestory, flyff, guildwars, and Diablo. And then i got xbox live and said bye bye to those. X3
Guitar hero since its fun and somewhat active.
I see... Well the left is nice and i like how it shatters but you may want to make the text bigger with different font( its hard to read) and add...
well your up against generals and such so it all comes down to laggers, random shooting, luck, and skill
i live there to and you were from cali first... i know you lol dont lie.
the(insert name here) tool that makes it sharper maybe?
You mean edited right? all you added was even heroes fall.
Yay i needed sites too.