My cousins not cool enough to do it. *sad face* Look at the bottom four pictures and tell me which one you like the...
k i also have a sweet beam one and im getting pics now
Beam rifle or reg sniper? Just a sweet video of the c walk. I wanna learn to do it. The beggining is slow but it gets way better.
Ya much better ill get to work on it.
Oh ok what kind of armour? gun preference? be specific lol!
Since you werent very specific *ahem* heres a first try.[IMG]
What do you want it to look like? What colors and what kind of pic? Your name? Some details please.
Note to self: never go to West Palm beach.
Who do u know that can draw anime? btw i support manga but that may have been the most annoying anime remix known to mankind.
*pats strike* incase you hadnt noticed china is a ****ed up country at this point. This is a perfect example of wy not to go to china. We should...
everything really except buny
[IMG]I see no wing or lightning bolt i just put up this new sig so it mightnot have changed yet
Um what lightning bolt???
Oh and i switched to old bunny but changed a litle
Hey I made some modifications so use this if u want [IMG]
Ya but I like the br spread as it is but other than that i agree with you horn.
Not always. It depends on the person playing and if they have host. (host ruins everything)