I heard somebody saying that when we were testing it. So how did you do the gitch, and what it looked like?
Thx, my omly problem is that i should have used the infinite-money glitch Foundry map. Because i was struggling to put certain things in it.
Map : Foundry Gametype : Infection Description : The T-Virus . Created by the Traxus Corporation, It wiped out the entire town of Shihuruville...
idk, i just went to any cliff and started forging.
Slater 1 is just a score to to reach, Which is 25. Slayer 2 is more like SSBB gameplay. Say if you was to die, you lose a point. If you kill you...
Wait, you didn't DL the first map....HOW COULD YOU!!! :(
its a smash bros map. what am i suppose to put in there. if i would put any more stuff in, players would have a pretty hard time getting around....
Map : Standoff GameType : Oddball & Slayer Description : (NOTE: Words with with Quotes you have to click on them to see the pictures) This...
This seems really fun, i think i want to make a map building up the idea from this one. It is very interesting, and i think it could be a hit!...
i seen some gamestop stores still selling n64 games, i've even seen SSB too. and wii isn't really that expensive. i got 2 wii's =)
OMG!!! I made A Super Smash Map too, but mines is called Super smash Bros. Brawl. Mines is a little basic, but yous look really cool. Now your...
what do you have in mind?
Thx, im going to make a new version, on stand off. is gonna be way cool!
But whats the point of selecting characters, and how am i suppose to do that anyway?
Wow, i thought it was too, but i've never seen another smash bros. map before.
Well im glad that you gave me your feedback, and like i said in the origianl post, "your feedbacks will help improve the map..." so i am goingto...
But all the wepons on the map has 1 clip of ammo in them, And health does not recharge, so a person spawing with a plasma pistol could easily beat...
why not, it was hard just trying to get the fusion coils to not kill everybody at the platforms.
okey dokey, i was just trying to reply to the other people's posts, i didn't know i couldn't post more than 1 time, sorry.