Yea, i kinda did, even though i was using the infinite-budget glitch foundry i ran out of stuff to make, and i accidentally deleted most of the...
Thx for your feedback, i really appreciate it, but right now im boycotting interlocking. To show that good maps doesn't need interlocking when it...
Thx, you seem like you rally liked it...
lol, i don't know, i probably won't be able to be able to finish it until late June...
Thx man. I have alot of ideas, just that i don't always get to be able to build them. Shihuruville Part 3 is becoming a little problem for me, i...
Gametype: One-Flag CTF Map: Foundry Description: Attack the fort is a One-Flag CTF map. The Fort is basically being attacked by an agressive...
Thx, but i need help today at least, this map was suppose to come out last weekend. And here it is the next week and i still don't have much to...
I know, i've notice the countless post by him in the forums.
Lately I've been having a "forger's block." i can't really get a sense of what concept Shihuruville P3 should have. For those of you who played...
I didn't like this remake. Bungie really did make it a little bigger, maybe too big. I remember the small area at the sniper tower, it was great...
i always pre-plan, it starts out as a idea than a map!
i don't think this would be seems dull
I hope its a clean canvas, i mean completely clean, no gametype goals, nothing.
I have the best program in the business. Its called GTunnel, and your able to access it without getting blocked. Just go to google, type in...
HEY HEY!!! am I too late, I really want to be in a machinima. So where do i join. I notice the filming dates is right before my b-day.
Hello everyone. Im the founder of the group CustomPartyFridays(CPF). We have just recently created a website for our group. It sill isn't finish,...
I hate grifball! I like team swat, i think zombie would be great though...
OMG!!! i made a map like this, its called the caravan. I made like a decked out elephant with turrets and everything, and humans must survive in...
Thx alot, i aprreciate it! Yeah my app was turned down. I thought i would have made it onto the guilders positions...
map editor, map manipulator, potato potato, same difference...right?