yeah i know, i notice that there ''is'' a way to leave the map, i notice it when i was playing this one game, this guy left the map and ended up...
Im half-dominican myself, i don't do things to people that is harmful, hurtful or offensive in anyway. In fact i don't even know where i came up...
I seen Yasser in this game, so i decide to make my own city too, so check this out...(Help increase my pop.) Step 1- Increase pop....
no, if you play with the required gametype, then you can't leave the map.
people keep saying more interlocking and cleaning. it doesn't "need" it, and the map is suppose to look like that!!!
Link/Gametype name: T-Virus Alpha Created by: Shihuru Brief Description: Humans are low on ammo and have to fight or run from the monsterous...
I know, but i try telling people that it is just a map, thats all. i don't mean any harm...
Well its just a map to have fun with, just in case your bored.
Well the concept of the map is, it is a destroyed city thats ravaged by a virus know as the T-virus. Anybody who is infected by the virus mutates...
How, what do you mean that it looks biast for the humans?
Thx, i say the recommened party size to play this map is 6-8. It could sometimes be played with double teams, but it begins to get boring due to...
Thx man, really appreciate it bunnies. Gameplay is one thing i "always" try to achieve in my maps.
oh yea, lol...
thx man, i try my best...
Do I know you?
I don't know how to change it...?
thx, i believe others have done it better though...
Why, it grabs people's attention...
So what your saying is that i shouldn't had added another floor into the base?