Thanks for the replies guys. To reply to T3chnomonkey I use version 6, and I'm not registered. I fixed the link to the game with music so it...
What? no master chief egg? lololol
Your pictures don't seen to work...
I'd say fluctuation in the servers, but I know nothing about that stuff lol
what game? space invaders?
Last year i made a game using (ironicly) Game Maker. Its called MAC: Defence. Its like space invaders but you play as a magnetic acceleration...
LOL some of those are really funny
I think I might need my zombie plan...
Can't they think of original new maps these days? I dunno. And talking out the interior around the outside? Sigh. Visually, it looks really nice....
lol. I told you, I don't have any left!
I think its funny. The people standing around staring adds to the realism. But there are some nasty white lins around it. Top right.
Hmmm, I think that new on is even better than the 'other' one. Not much going on in the right side though.. You should move your man to just over...
Join the club. Its good, but please don't use it! lol
I think it looks quite good. It isn't a very big change though. I would like a red one lol
Is that program a free download? if so, where? That would freak someone out lol
Re: My first ever sig Well, if you take into account your name, the new one looks like its under water (its really good by the way, I like the...
Mass Effect is amazing! If you played Oblivion and you liked it, you should get it. Although Oblivion is far better so get that :squirrel_wink:
They are both great. Better than the one you've got at the mo lol
You could do this. Its too big to put as image. Also, that sigs huge! lol
Yeah, its great! dunno about the white section on the left though..