"A man who runs may fight again" "This sig fills a much needed gap" "Its a trap!" "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" "If you...
Thats an awesome vidoc. I like the fact that they are in the game doing it lol.
Thats realy nice, I think I might have a go with the reloading maulers thing. I made some awesome blue room shots before, like this one: [IMG]
I like it, but your spartan needs to stand out a bit more, he's in the shadows there
Some nice photos there, especially like the waterfall and tree above it
Yeah I did. All the stuff on my YouTube channel is made by me. Thanks for the great responses
Screech to a halt, look at the sign in confusion, and turn around. lol
Oh yeah, forgot to put a language warning, sorry. And it said Sargent Kohnson lol
lol. I saw this yesterday. Its funny. Some one should make an mp3
Sargent Johnson gets a new flavour.. I voice overed Sargent Johnson with Julius from Saints Row, its sounds gooood...
If it was my guy, then yeah I would take that lol
OMG. I have seen the light! Thanks! I was thinking that his head was facing right, thats why I couldn't see it :p
oooh, I still can't see it. Can someone make an edit with the head and eyes outlined? Pleeaassee...
Trying... to... see what... it... is... No, sorry its just a load of forge objects sitting around on Sandtrap
The original is better lol. Thats actually really good.
Wha? But it was allways a flaming helmet. ...I know, that picture's been edited! :eek:
I tried being an Elite. I think I changed back to human because I unlocked a new set of armour. That guy in that pic looks like u CovernantElite07...
Then u should hate the image host. Can't see it.
Shotgun second! ...i still don't get the point though
I've all ready pre-ordered