Then work with me and linou. We are not promising eachother to spend countless hours perfecting it, just simply to tackle a project together. I...
Huh, that's not too far.
Bullet point is winly. Re-look at my post. I challenge you nickuh.
Well then, if you'd please post a link, this issue may be resolved.
I think x 8. rofl. Sorry, I feel like crap, I should have specified. I was reffering to the two first questions in the post.
10 / 0 = 1 newb waste of time? pft...I'm just saying, I'd like to see what you can come up with.
eek...I think I'll bring it up with shad0w, and see if he can talk to the staff about getting something done about it. All I know is, life's too...
Basically, I'd like you to compete. Please reply on my profile. Otherwise, I'll never get your message. It only takes a second to click my...
It's already been proven you can divide by zero...numbskull... And btw, what does it hurt to try?
Ah, ****, the lmc... I totally forgot about the son of a ***** that was like 2 months ago! =O I feel bad leaving it on the staff's shoulders,...
rofl... I don't at all...pretty much, same as you...(minus that one little thing you posted just 2 weeks ago (or whatev)) Also,...
So, if I work up something basic to work with, may we team up & take victory?