rofl, ur welcome. ;D
Didja evar git me pm?
Not exactly...
I'm in trouble again already, aren't I?
omg teh corupshunz
I'm always causin trouble. ;D
That thread will take time, patience, and clear-thought. None of which I have at this time.
Rofl... Peace, Love, and Marijuana, that's all I want.
Well then get the staff to cool the hell down.
Keep an eye on Customer Service.
There's an unspoken rule? No worries, chrst's comment on my profile suited me fine. Personally, I have no desire to test the map myself, so...
Corruption a'course.
User-Group of Awesome. aka, UGA
No, silly, I got a new user-group specifically for me. ^^)
Chron, for the record, I'm not upset with you, I'm upset at a lot of **** going on. TDF's got no idea on how to hand out infractions, and you came...
OP needs to learn the fact that there are multiple skins, and on Old-School, white text ****ing sucks.
Oh wow, brilliant.
Care to elaborate?