Well this thread is nearly a year old. If you still haven't found out, it's pretty simple. Pull up your phone in single player and go to...
Yeah I touched on this with exact weapon damage stats and multipliers a couple pages back.
If you are doing your job as a sniper, enemies shouldn't be getting high enough killstreaks to really pose much of a threat. With stopping power,...
I have a hard time realizing while anybody would use the frags in this game. Most people I know use it to do some random nade throws, but with...
Well I do alot of strange things.
You guys probably don't know this, but using stopping power with the FAL is useless. I mean it is literally useless. The FAL can do 55 or 35...
I saw this earlier today, and to be honest, it did reinvigorate my enthusiasm and faith in Natal actually being ground breaking or at the very...
Um, I'm a little worried about playing now. Apparently there are some people who have found a way to make it to where if they are killed, whoever...
You are aware that, despite what the gun stats say, FMJ does not increase the amount of damage your bullet does when not firing through a wall. It...
Trust me, there are some people who will simply never be good and go negative 4/5 games. It would be almost impossible for them to rank up at all.
Skid Row is definitely my favorite map.
Well, a few days ago I was linked to a site that had literally every single frame of the trailer, but I couldn't find it again for the request in...
You can, with an internet connection. IMO there isn't much incentive to buy L4D without Live.
Agreed. Akimbo should simply be taken off all shotguns, and then the 1887 can keep it's range.
Striker with a grip is where it's at. It can get almost the exact same range as a SPAS, but it's got like 3-4 times the fire rate.
As of right now, they are simply traditional load screens with probably some fancy design and a "Loading..." somewhere on the screen. They are...
How can this be the first 12 minutes of gameplay with no spoilers. Keep in mind I haven't watched the Adrien Cho interview where he allegedly...