I fixed 'em. They should be working now.
Wait a second, must have missed this. First of all, I doubt this would come out all in one pack. All the new maps may be one pack and all the maps...
DLC maps have been leaked. This is the URL of the original video showing the maps and offering to give them to others. However, as stated at the...
Funny story: when he said it had been 30 winters since the blast/light/whatever he said, I could have sworn he said 3. So like for 3/4 of the...
Well when you look back there were some signs as to the twist. [spoiler]
Throughout the game you will be gaining the loyalty of your crew. You gain an individuals loyalty generally by doing things they approve of....
I thought it was a very well executed movie. The pacing was nice and Denzel Washington did a fine job. Mila Kunis was really annoying and a...
...Well, yeah. It's not like at the end there is a pop up that says Live or Die. The game will decide whether you live or not based on the loyalty...
True, but you can still die at the end.
Xbox360Achievements.org - Mass Effect 2 Achievement List I haven't even looked at the achievements because I'm almost positive there are...
I also had Wrex in my party a lot, just because I liked to see the tension between him and Garrus, seeing as how the Turians deployed the virus...
Snowblind rounds won't be making a return. All ammo types are set as powers for classes. Soldier - Cryo Ammo - Incendiary Ammo - Disruptor Ammo...
Garrus was really only useful in combat if you maxed out his sniper ability and gave him High Explosive Rounds. Every 10 seconds something would...
What class are you all playing as on your first playthrough?
I recently did a 100% playthrough, completing every sidequest and doing everything on every planet. I made sure that everything would work out the...
[spoiler] Those are just the confirmed choices that will carry over. There will be more, and remember, even if they don't have a significant...
Why use scavenger when you can use One Many Army and switch to the exact same class whenever you want, fully restoring ammo?
YouTube- Modern Warfare 2: Harrier Glitch
Modern Warfare 2 Weapons, Perks, and Killstreak Statistics
Where are you finding these?