[spoiler] Mordin is probably my favorite squad mate in terms of back story, personality, and the way his loyalty mission/work on the genophage...
And then EDI says, "Probing Uranus." There's tons of little easter eggs in this game. Apparently, if you stand in front of Legion and don't talk...
There's five. Four of them are in the open area below her office, the fifth is in the bar.
I've seen videos of taking her up to your cabin. There you can have her sit on your lap, lay with you in bed, and have her give you a lap dance,...
Just finished the game. Kept every squad member alive my first time through. End boss was cool, but slightly disappointing in difficulty. This is...
You can only have one love interest. Kelly's a strange "love" interest, as you can only have dinner with her, but as far as I'm aware you can't...
You need to make sure to do most, if not all of your ship upgrades to ensure everyone's survival. Mainly just things improving Normandy weapons...
Damn it.
Oh, forgot to mention, I saw Wrex last night on Tuchanka. I have to admit, most of my run-ins with characters from ME1 have been disappointing,...
Does this game still have that natural lag of the first? You know, how it seemed to take an extra half second for your bullets to connect and your...
I agree with you on the scanning for metals mini game, as does every single other person, I would guess. I wouldn't be surprised if they soon...
Yeah, those glitches are one little quip many reviewers had, but I've yet to come into contact with one. I've only played 3hrs 15mins, though....
Goddamn this game is amazing.
Well, from people who have played the game, I've heard if you do everything in the entire game, it can last from 40-50 hours. Also, Bioware...
Twice? I'm planning on playing at least 6 times, once as every class. Maybe more. And Creeping, maybe you should try Infiltrator. They get a...
I am so damn excited. I've been coughing a lot lately, so hopefully I'll be sick and can stay home.
Exactly what I was thinking. I found it funny that there only real complaint was the one thing I was most excited for.
This is actually a nice idea.
IGN's only gripe was that the game was too referential. Basically, newcomers to the series won't have as much understanding or be as emotionally...
Mass Effect 2 (xbox360) reviews at Metacritic.com Reviews.