One of em is by my firend, Staplgun. But umm Idk, does the template contest seem to be dying out to you? Because nuthin on forgehub like...
Blood Fire I still want to be a judge in the Template contest in all its just that if its on a weeknight you really need to make the time clear...
Actually if u dont mind I think id actually rather wait for ur newer map to come out to review. It does look alot better than cblock which was...
Hey when am I going to need to be around to judg the template maps? Cuz Im pretty sure thats like soon right?
Oh yeah baby, dats me in the vid. Wow boi did Driscoll and I pwn it up. But, enough of me, onto the map. For all those who liked such maps as...
Like 203...
Ugh. Im trying to do some stuff that isnt working out well. Like merging..
I'm doing a heavy rehaul of Ribcage, Im taking out walls changing things widening things to make it actually fun when played, not just pretteh.
ladder been done many times at this point ... But still it does look better than c block but I'm still going to review that
Ok I'm in. Well school already started for me, but anytime I guess, after 6 that is... I have volleyball after school everyday. I guess depending...
Oh yeah and you rly arent suppsoed to make multiple accounts here on forgehub. You can either just start using this one or post your friends maps...