Nope. I mean squared paper. Paper with squares on. Atleast, in the UK, we have both squared paper and graph paper. Squared paper tends to be...
Nope. Double boxes are about twice as long as they are high, stairs are the same but cut in 2. So you have a triangle with 2 known sides (2 and 1)...
Honestly, it doesn't support asymmetrical gametypes as well as I hoped. I think it needs a larger area between the attacker's and the base, like...
Whats H2V's multiplayer like? Is it a big customs lobby like it was for Halo PC? I wouldn't mind having it and I look out for a copy whenever I'm...
I didn't realise how big Sandbox really is. Well, I knew it was huge and awesome . This picture does make the default, ground level Sandbox look...
You'll probably work this out later anyway but you do realise that you could just great a big pile in a corner of the sky bubble, then put the...
Considering the variety of objects and the huge space we've been given, I don't think we'll need a specifc Sandbox designer. The Foundry designer...
Can you imagine Relic heavy? If we get to use the entire grid in the screenshots of the sky bubble then it looks like there would be enough room...
I'd make a whole 'Scarab Attack' themed map if I was going to make one. It would seem a shame to spend ages on a map but its not that good for...
BloodStone Created by David White Supported Gametypes: CTF Assault KotH Oddball Slayer Recommended Gametypes Multi Flag CTF One Bomb Assault...
There are walls with holes in. See pcitures 6, 7 and 9 in the first post.
Is it just me or do none of the links in the OP work?
It didn't at first but now that you mention it, I can sort of see it in the overview pic. I just checked out some screenshots of both maps, they...
He means that Ghost Town and Orbital will have limited forging possibilities because of the existing map geometry. We haven't seen many good maps...
My image of Orbital's overview wasn't too far off, except it looks like I under estimated its size by quite a bit!
OK, I was going to read through all the comments since my last post but thats not such a good idea, theres about 60 pages! The 7-Wood, I thought...
A recreation of the final campaign level could be a fun game to try. You could use VIP, the VIP team acts as Master Chief and Co and the other...
I'm really liking those Light Bulbs, I love the way you can use them to make copies of the pillars around the map! And how you can light up...
Adding to ER1CO's analysis: Looking at this screenshot. Its the same map that he looked at, different view. That piece that he labelled...
It brought a smile to my face.