The hills could be recreated. If you really simplify Blood Gulch then you end up with an S shaped path between 2 bases with hills in the inner...
I read it as 4th September 2009, I thought it was the release of ODST and thought it was a bit early for them to give an official date, usually...
Simply put, no.
I think I missed the part where you explained how this was any easier than counting squares. Just now I counted there are 32 squares along the...
How can I explain this without just quoting the original post? It is exactly what it says. You cannot place any more items on the map because you...
Or they could use the excuse that not all members of the Covenant were fluent in their enemy's language, especially since the ones at Alpha Halo...
It's like someone in the past is reading your mind in the present!
Only if you buy a VGA cable for the Xbox and then what are you meant to use for the computer? The whole problem is that he'll want to use the Xbox...
How I mine for fish? Seriously, use a bit of common sense. Your Xbox 360 must be connected to your computer via your capture card. You have 2...
The fusion coil jump is the one thing that lets it down! I got out of the map within the first 10 seconds of the game as soon as I saw that fusion...
Customs Lobby
The only 2 things which get annoying are: The constant firing of the lasers, but you soon get used to it and doesn't really distract you during...
Its not even that. They reduced the price a little while ago, its now only 600 points.
There was a buzz but Bungie never actually said there was an Easter egg. I think we can safely assume their comment about Sandtrap: "A deserted...
Yes, of course. One thing I did notice about Assembly was the power cores which are plugged in to the walls (like on Snowbound and Construct) can...
Why does my name in the OP have a link to Toxic Spade's profile?
All walls will tilt, no matter what you do. This is not noticable until after saving your map. I will need to try it out some more but so far it...
Changing the number in forge will just change the territory number. The lost number will be 1, the highest will be the number of territories on...
Thanks to Lunatic, I now have them. Thanks again! GT: David White
Why do people keep calling it the Legendary Edition? It is Limited Edition. Only Halo 3 had the Legendary Edition, no other game.