A .gif archive? What is it you actually want? It seems you want .gif image files of multiplayer maps from any game dating all the way back to the...
Well I am certainly looking forward to the finished map!
This has been asked an anwered many times. Use the search feature or browse Forging 101.
Switching the rockets for the laser was a good idea considering the rcokets locked on to vehicles in Halo 2 so it was the best weapon to balance...
Ideas: Don't use that font for subtitles. If the subtitles are there because the voices are hard to hear then its pointless making the test hard...
Wait, you're calling dibs on remaking a level in the campaign of the same game? Well seeing as you started the ridculous dibsing, I say you stole...
They didn't show the other 3 maps because then people would have the same reaction as you but reversed when they do download the maps: "WTF, why...
I'd have: Plasma Pistols High Damage Low defence 1 life Infinite ammo: off Weapon pick up: off Motion sensor: low as possible without turning it...
Sorry, I've completely missed that joke. Are Austrians known for their smashing?
*Slap* do some research before calling the waahmbulance. The maps they have been talking about over the past few weeks were made before Sandbox...
SMG Guy v Banshee: Which one to kill? SMG: Easy kill. The opposition is down 1 man but the banshee is still in the air and blows you up. Your...
Erm... diamonds aren't usally very common when volcanoes erupt, the pressure isn't great enough in the magma chamber. Anyway, seeing as your map...
I was expecting something about using walls for floor and making them flat. Answer to that is: You don't The answer to your question: You don't....
In Forge you will not always spawn on the starting point of that gametype. I think it sometimes uses the CTF and Slayer starting points. Does it...
It happens with the default items. They do despawn eventually but if you're not quick then they'll just respawn straight away. If you can, leave...
Taking a screenshot for the sole purpose of getting on to Bungie favourites nearly gaurantees that it won't.
OK, I think I found a, if not the, problem. The is nothing wrong with your spawn points, nothing wrong with the starting points, you respawn...
Well leaving spawn points outside the map is something which is vey simple but can easily be over looked or jsut forgotten about, noones calling...
is a fish. Thats all I really understood of your post Some links would be nice so we can have at least a vague idea as to what you're talking about.
That makes no sense. H3 ODST is the same as Halo 3 but with a different campaign, 3 extra multiplayer maps and the oppertunity to get Recon...