Wow I hope you all end up in a big empty room with me and your all in your gooses and I'm in my hornet.
/Agree Did anyone understand a thing Little Jacob sais in GTA4?
ya bcuz oboma was in spellcheck and every girl is definently going to vote for mccain because he has a girl vp
it always was, turned it back on to see this rep i got my frend told me was funny, and i saw ur bitching. u cant stand getting neg repped can u?
"maybe if your lucky, you will receive the rep back!"
Remember this isn't in halo discussion so you can post any character from any game. I hate Lance Vance (Gtavc), because I thought he was cool and...
[IMG] These guys. If any of you ever played legendary, you would know what im talking about. They are ****ing 1 hit, everywhere on the map, and...
Hornet, it is the anti everything except on avalanche. It is also fast, flies, easy to control, and holds 2 passengers.
I lolled so hard when McCain sais "In all my glory"
Well, my dad has huge ass mother ****ing speakers all over the basement connected to a CD player so lets see how loud I can play YAHHH ***** YAHHH...\ Whats next numa numa?
A old quote from caboose: "I like me...." New one Church: It's like putting 2 and 2 together Caboose: 4!
This has got to be the biggest twist in the series, and there are alot of suprising twists in the series. I want to see churches and everyone...
Anyone see the newest episode? it like links to every other episode - [spoiler] thats some good story telling right there
I guess its only fair Barack already has probably half a dozen songs about him. Please, you don't even no what your talking about.
ya eventually or it might not I don't know what makes that happens
This just happened to my new nano but all you have to do is let the battery die and it will be better in a night. I guess waiting is the only way.
Wtf I thought I posted here. MLG is more of a sport than some sports like Stacking Cups so I would call it a sport but not a REAL sport like...
Achievments are something you work for or do something special, boosting is neither. enjoy ur ban.
Even though most evidence points towards both maps, I still think it's relic It might be headlong though, because it had a shore and relic is a...