o, its pretty G looking, and the refection was a great ideal.
I posted a pic of my house on Myspace and all my friends suggested that wasn't the best ideal so I'll just describe it: Its big, at the bottom of...
I was chatting with my friend that was playing the beta (sorry, it's only for the employees and their family + friends) and he gave me many...
wats that frame for?
Look at the tanks, they could have clearly bin geomerged with the wings. But I will still give the pack 1/5 only because it can fly but it's only...
Go smoke a fat one while you wait then. I wonder if we can jump between the original halo 3 and recon.
WHERE CAN I BUY THIS!? **** I would do to fly that. I wonder if you can launch from the ground because I don't have a plane.... yet...... The...
Whoever sais it shouldn't be legal never smoked it before so their opinions shouldn't matter. Hell I'm proof, just like both Vinny, Tex (just to...
dude give me that hover craft now! And while your at it the jetpack.
K so scientists are researching for the gene that makes you good at halo and not the cure to AIDs or cancer.
Because they are looking for him, the ***** (gunman) wouldn't stay and find out, probably the only common sense he has.
Well I said to a kid that his mom gives me blow jobs and hes all like "No, I give you blow jobs!" All my friends just started dying of laughter...
Wow I wonder what's going on in the retard's head. "OH EM GEE HES NOT THE SAME SKIN COLOR AS ME ITS SCARING THE **** OUT OF ME ITS BRINGING...
It's a knife.
Kind of ironic, looking for people that are hiding.
Party in my pants?
Ya if you have the money and it's there go for it.
Maybe if it had twin automatic rifles on each side with titanium plating cacooning everything but the wheels and bullet proof glass in the front...
Bubble sheild, great for when your in the middle of nowhere and you hear a sniper bullet wiz by you and you drop it your safe, and you got a angry...
Finally, if this is true I'm going to have a ton of extra space for all the maps and gametypes I want.