Ok keep repeating the same bullshit and like I said before: Poor people are either born poor or eventually become poor, not everyone goes to...
House of Scorpion, great story with alot of detail:
Are you like 5? People you were reffering to aren't doing anything because they CANT do anything because nobody they know are rich, they cant just...
Ya because babies that are abandoned in the streets grow up lazy and poor so they should not be offered any help whatsoever. People with a...
Well then I wonder whos the kid at your school that gets picked on a daily basis..... hmmmmm...... I'll make up a name - Matt...... DUNCAN!
y4 ey3 n0ez rite i meen McSame is liek a sup3r heerow
Oboma because he connects to most people like me. He will do something toward legalization of marijuana, continue to withdraw more troops if not...
I failed right when I saw it I lawled a little.
Would be bad luck to be just walking around outside and it slams into you.
[spoiler] and he could have just left not blow up the ship
Gotta be the funniest and truest review evar! Just went into a strong arm game and my team had pimp slap perk on and we just raped them, if they...
You light weight its all about rat poison and lighting yourself on fire now catch up with the times.
Probably a BTB or MLG list. Me and my friends love objective because I love the gametypes and my friends can get all the kill they want. CTF: Its...
Trail blazing is win and mayhem where do i start - infinite satchel and its so awesome seeing all those points. Anyone want to help me beat the...
I would whip out my belt and beat his ass.
"you know most people relax by getting high instead of playing skeeball" "right then they go play skeeball" NPH - "oh im not a student here, i...
Usually when your 360 is taken away it means your recieving help (or you got robbed or RROD)
go here
I chose the covenant because of the epic cutscenes and the gigantic fights. My 2nd would be the storm because it feels like the last chance for...