Greetings from the childrens chainsaw accident hospital of Detroit!
This is every friday?
Yeah I could play with the dashboard for hours just to hear the sounds.
I want that Micheal jackson one.
Please post a link.
Yeah SnD is so much easier and cheap if your in a party. You can have teamates look around corners in 3rd person. And yeah you can do things...
Im getting COD5 and or gears 2 for christmas which is a problem. If I cant get both I have to choose one. My good friends sais gears and the rest...'t watch this while your high or else you will need to get new pants...
I loved the election episode "Are you a Obama supporter or McCain?" "Why does that matter?" "You either partied too hard or tried to kill...
If we didn't need the disk all we would need to do is rent or borrow a game.
You guys act like forge is the most magical thing that has ever happened.
That's probably just a base. Would be cool to fight in a giant crater though.
Barack might change that though, so far I haven't seen a good arguement for keeping it illegal just like how you proved it.
Is there a list of games that will NOT go faster?
Carlos in saints row 2, He got dragged on the back of a truck through a road and dirt roads and when the player find him he's all mutilated and...
Yeah I am, is this the same law people voted for on nov 4th? Or was it updated to like what you said?
Same, and a wired controller and probably 12 month xbl, rest clothes (that are good...)
Just like game, movies, and anything else there is a rating and if parents don't want them to listen to it, they would know. And it's not just rap...
I bet San Fransisco is Aquaman.