Night guise
I'm assuming you're saying Monday... Because I personally say tomorrow late at night even when it's the same day lol
I'm laying in a hotel bed in st. Louis right now bros, my weekend was cash, can't wait to esplayn moar tomorrow. How's your guises weekends?
I still have it, just haven't played it in like two months. I said I would be gone the entire weekend in previous post. I'm really going to...
I came back, just to refresh the ppc. I'm leaving my house as soon as I get home and I'm heading off to St. Louis for the entire weekend,...
hahah yeah dude Well, it's like 12:17 here in our Chi town, n **** son I'm tired and need some sleep for tomorrow, can't wait for this weekend...
hahaha I remember that video, **** was funny as hell.
I find it weird how I just skipped over your post.
What about five moar delicious toasts theorem?
lol doratheexplorer I remember when my good bud Chron would change my signature and avatar to have like Disney princesses or some ****, he...
I lold at your most recent post Stouf and at your intentionally crappy grammar mistake in your toast Grif.
This was all a part of a plan to troll, **** worked, because we trolled you. lol no srsly I introduced one person I know to the forums like a...
Stouf, I still think it's weird that you live in Fort Worth as well. I can understand Grif as I sort of introduced him to the forums.
Haven't played that game in like at least two months.
As so did I last night, I don't like lookin scruffy.
I want tonight to end and for tomorrow's school day to go by already, as soon as I get home I'm leaving to go out to St. Louis for Supercross, and...
night trolls
This feels good man.
My first toast in this bread.
So today school felt like it lasted forever, got home at 4, chilled, ate dinner, played NBA 2k10, watched some tv shows, and now I'm dead tired,...