This is probably only my third signature that I've done by myself, I followed the tut, and it didn't really come out all that like the tut or that...
Knowing that I'm not all that great, I decided after a couple months or so of not using Photoshop after making my first sig or two, I decided to...
I looked at the middle, then right, then left circle.
So what can I do for your cool ass for me to get it?
From what I see and already know, every website besides forgehub with this exact thread, there was a post that said that it was taken down, or at...
I'm pretty sure you can save a ton of money by switching to Geico oh and by not smoking.
Sounds good, that was one of my major pet peeve in Halo 3, when you would get matched up with people who like to ponder off by their selves and...
For the people who haven't had the chance or time to watch you play like myself, among others too, could you possibly describe your experience...
Message the Halo Reach beta for Sarge to get recon.
Call me a retard, but how do we exactly get the Reach Beta? Do we just insert a ODST disc or what? Is it a download? I dunno.
I can get off... the computer night bros
for grif it's possible
I'm sure Grif has watched his fair share of Boner Jams 3. :p
Thanks for the suggestion grif, looks like fun, yet not something that my dad would consider doing. As for V: A bad ass road trip that you...
The Conference Semi-finals start tomorrow with the Shorks and Wings and the Hawks play their first game in a rematch from last year against the...
I just got done talking to my dad on the phone and he put in for his vacation weeks for this summer. He got two weeks off during the summer along...
im psyched to play it, haven't played a halo game since the release of MW2, haven't played MW2 in over two months, lol **** I barely play vidya...
herp derp