Talking about teammates, I can't stand it when morons remove our own flags from our own base. Or when your teammate brings the flag to the other...
Unlike others I love Stockpile on Swordbase, yet I can't stand playing it on Powerhouse, I simply don't know why. As Youtuber and Insane have...
Well, as of right now all I play is Reach and that's pretty much the only thing I'll be playing till it ends. If you do get the Reach beta, there...
nothing much man... how's life, what you been up to? you should add me on xbox dude....hopefully you'll get reach and I dunno about the points,...
Holy **** that was quick....thanks a lot Shad0w.
Wasup brah
When you get the chance could you please remove the 93 from my username?
someone please join my game in Reach! if you're not my friend send me a friend request
I found Lightsout's Armor Lock thread to be extremely useful, just saying.
If Bungie allows to have our own call out points on our Forged maps, that will definitely improve the game play a lot when it comes to playing...
Hey welcome to Forgehub! Just out of curiosity do you live in Naperville, IL?
When using your armor abilities, it gets annoying as hell. I simply just switched to default.
I'd like to be able to make my own controller layout to accommodate the lack of a good bumper jumper layout, but I doubt that's something that...
You guys know what I was thinking would be cool if it were actually implemented in Reach when it comes out? To be able to give call outs or names...
I turned my xbox off and turned back on and the reach beta isn't even an option right now in the odst menu...
when did this happen broseph?
**** inorite camo I only played one game and it's been down ever since.
Well, my only complaints so far are that I can't play another game since the servers are down. I played one game and then for the past 30 minutes...
lol reach