It looks quite decent. Although I think the boxy feeling still remains. In fact it looks all boxy. Maybe use merging with geometry and also use...
Yes it is true.
Its always a bad idea to even mention recon. Also please post this in the Halo Discussion not the maps.... Unless you give us the map of course....
Sorry. But Teh Map Is Not Meteing Teh Stadnards. In translation: The map is not meeting the standards. Please embed your pictures from...
It looks very nice. But in that scene werent their Air Vents that the zombies were coming in?
You should really just start off from scratch. This time have a good forger to help you.
I may have to disagree a bit on its better than it looks. First of all if you run out of walls just interlock the walls you have left. Secondly...
Brute. This is about giving suggestions for some Double XP. Not stating other ones.
I've seen this map many times. A few things to you though. 1: Please give a little bit better of a description. 2: Give the name of the...
Bungie does need a new and improved Infection. Better maps, Better games, Better Gameplay. Although Fat Kid wouldnt be the best....
It really could be truly neatened up. Make sure that next time you post a map, it must be neat. No sloppiness or I dont give it a hug.
You guys realize that you should just go to It not the end of anything you just have to go to their actual website to view these...
Ok this thread is only for Suggestions for the Double Xp Weekends to come. Please list what kind of games you would like to see. You can also say...
It looks very sexy. Just as you said you might want to fix those sloppy parts. Perfection is Perfect. And also can you go inside of it?
I am sorry to say that here on forgehub we like neat maps. Use interlocking and etc.
So this is what happens when im down in Virginia for only 2 days! My god you make me cry! Im kidding but it is very sexy.
This is just stunning. I really love it all. Just one flaw with your post. Please spell correctly. :) The map itself is amazing though and...
looks bumpy in some parts.
there is only one on the map
Very useful. Now I must wait for Xbox to work again....