This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
Its good but you didnt put anything up to make sure that people dont fall off the track because that will get annoying.
Why would we make you pay to use imageshack? And also if you really want people to see how your map is then you have to and I mean have to get...
Can you show some more pictures like inside the entire base and the bunker. I cant play on it so I really want to see more of it. ( Can't play...
Re: Bunker Hill v3 Yea. Basically the whole map is good.
In all honesty a forge item I want is to see water. Water would be really good. So would hills and trees and bushes and stuff, that would be...
I have to say. This is an amazing map nothing else to say. Do the bunker and the fort attach to each other?
He's working on it right now rusty. And I do agree it does look like it.
You must embed your pictures (MUST) embed. That is all you need to do.
Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry You've got a good point. Still 4.5/5 Great map from the looks.
Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry Well its going to be locked because it has to be here. I mean...
Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry How about you just copy and paste the entire thing right here....
Yes make sure that double boxes are lined up where you want them and then put the walls against them but make sure it is as neat as possible.
Looks very good. Amazing, Spectacular, Bonerific.
Re: Boarding Action (My version) Well its called Boarding Action because People board the banshee. And also the reason why there isnt too much on...
People really shouldn't post until they can get pictures. Without pictures its hard to really see the map in a description. The only maps that...