Now this looks good. I the look of it, but is the back area blocked off, or are they bases? Anyway, this looks fantastic. The interlocking is...
Pretty sweet. I probably won't use it, because I hate floating objects, but this is a great contribution to Forgeub. I've got the no gaurdians...
M'kay. Good luck with that. While you go do that, I'll do something.
I don't get the release switch. But the map looks great! My only problem are the shield doors. But if they're part of the switch, my bad. The...
Looks cool. I like the colours. Pretty modern.
Awww...Pegasi offline...
Omygodpegasiisonline!!!!11!!!!1! Skype?
Made any more screenshots lately?
Ah, I didn't realise it was a 6.5. My bad.
I love the maps that you can subtly tweak for certain things. Bravo. This looks so very playable. Orbital defualt is fun, but Conquest is even...
My lack of imagination startles me. Most of my maps are "go with the flow". Whatever I think looks cool, I put in.
I'm not an MLG fan, but this looks like a decent enough normal map. However, if you choose to make a V2, try and smooth some things out, perhaps...
Here's a link to a thread that can help you post screenshots.
Looks pretty cool, but you could have described it a bit more. But the concept looks pretty cool. However, you should make the house bigger. It...
I know I'm a likable person, but why do you want to be my friend?
It looks okay, but I don't think it's really that good as an aesthetic map. I've seen competitive maps focused around something like this. With...
Hey, if you need to add something, edit your post. Don't double post, or you will get kicked in the balls by an Admin. The map looks awesome, and...
Looks pretty cool. But did you intentionally spell it Grave Lift? Anyway, it looks good. Great interlocking, well executed and it basically look...
This actually looks great. I'm not good at jumping maps, but I'd probably be willing to give this a go. It looks quite complicated and well...