This looks really fun. I get really shitted off at laggy grifball games. But what do the players spawn with? Is it default Grifball weapons?...
Now this looks fun. What happens if there are no more banshees/ hornets? And can the zombies shoot at the humans, or can they only splatter? I...
Now this looks good. Great idea (However, I have seen it around) and it looks great too. The map has great interlocking, and the layout is great...
Meh. It looks okay, the layout is pretty good, but the map could've been executed better. It just looks sloppy. But good job. 7/10. Keep on forging.
Here. I stuffed up my first map, so don't worry. You're not alone. That link should help you imbed them.
Here. Hopefully you can get them up, I wouldn't mind seeing this.
This is fantastic, but I don't get the variations? Are they with the visual filters on? Oh well, I get the general idea. Great job! 9/10.
This. Is. Epic. This is feature worthy. It looks so large, and in some parts so small (in a good way). This map is by far the best I've seen on...
This looks great. I love you're interlocking and your geomerging. It looks so smooth. But in some parts it looks a tiny bit too open. But overall,...
I'm mastersync. Nice to meet you.
Looks a bit too open in some areas. But overall it looks pretty good. May I suggest adding a second floor? It may add more space, and more angles...
This looks mindblowing. The whole layout is in sync with the aesthetics, and the whole map looks amazing. The layout is awesome. The interlocking...
Now this looks good. The crypt doesn't allow as much customization as Foundry, but this looks amazing. It looks very well crafted, but there are...
Great aesthetics coupled with a fantastic layout makes this map on my download list. Pel said, Gephyrophobia from Halo 1. Great job. This looks...
I swear, I've done these at least three times this week. Here's the screenshot thread.
Have you posted them yet?
Looks quite original, and I like it. It combines with Ghost Town's rugged look to make a harsh environment. Aesthetics are evident in this map,...
Just wondering.
Wait. That means my very own Oes Noes! Oh well. This is basically what I have. And mine isn't a glitched one. So this probably...