The picture of the center, the wall with the design facing up looks sloppy. Fix that. Now the map itself looks pretty cool, but a little too open...
Hey, Linu. I've recovered from the arse-rape you gave me on Sand.
What the ****?
Please don't eat me if this is the wrong section, but I'm wondering...where could I get a nice, bland text type? Not curly, not the same style as...
This looks great! I love the layout. This map is a definite download from me. This seems like it would play out terrifically. Great job, Pel. 7/10.
Now this looks great. I really love the look of it. The symmetrical layout looks great, and the aesthetics get high scores from me too. Overall,...
This looks really fun! The map could be aesthetically improved a little, but this looks really good for what's here. Great job! 8/10. I'll give...
Copy and paste much? Anyway, I might download to see what the map is, so I'll be back later with another post. Oh, and try and imbed screenshots...
This looks great! I may download, mainly because it looks so good. The interlocking looks great, and the concept looks great too. However, some of...
This looks pretty good for a 1v1 or a 2v2 maybe. The interlocking, and the layout is great. However, it is a bit small. But the weapons seem to...
"Scarab" doesn't really pop to mind. More like "Scorpion". Still, it looks great. I really like the look of it. You made it really well, and...
Now this looks good. And I like the "Sunshine" reference, too. Quite an original map. Great layout. Since I like the map, and the movie, I'll give...
I like it. It's not the most original idea, but it is fantastically executed. It could be implemented into a map really well, too. So great job,...
Looks pretty cool, but just a little open. But the map seems pretty fun and mostly original. The concept is great. So I think it deserves a 7/10....
This is amazing. It is mindblowing. It's so smooth, and the track is really long, this is definitely on my download list. And it even looks...
It's an aesthetic map, dude. The map looks pretty neat, but a few supports would be cool. For what's here, 8/10. Looks great.
Yep, all maps need a pic. The map sounds good, too. Good job. If it works, hell, you get a 10/10.
Looks good. The map itself looks amazing. And coupled with infection, it makes for one helluva game. This looks really fun to play. Good job on...
It looks too small for all of those weapons. Try removing some. The hornets, too, should be transport ones. But all in all, it looks pretty good....
V2 much? You could always make a second version. Anyway, it looks pretty fun. Pretty replayable. I quite like the look of it, Good job. It looks...