Wow, this looks really fun. I quite like the concept, and the actual map looks pretty cool. The replay value seems pretty good, too. Good job! 8/10.
Link Foun-dry mastersync23
I'm fine with it, I just didn't see any comments, so I just thought he rated it.
Wow, this looks really cool. The whole "vent" theme really works on this map. It feels great. And it should play out great. Nice job! 9/10.
Wow, this looks amazing. The courtyard looks pretty damn cool. Overall, the map looks pretty nice. I like the layout, and the bases look great....
Alright, first up. Don't rate your own maps. You'll look like a noob. Anyway, on topic, the map looks great. It seems to have a great layout, and...
This looks fantastic. I love the layout, and the aesthetics are great. This looks really fun for competitive games. Good job, dude. 8/10.
This looks pretty. Nice concept. It looks really well thought out, but it may be a bit...fustrating after a while. Despite that, this looks pretty...
Two words. Too blurry. It doesn't look bad, a bit simple, but it's just too blurry. Anyway, 6/10. Good job, but take off the filter.
Wow, this looks really unique. I like the mancannon to the rockets, too. The map looks great and looks to have great playability. Nice job! 8/10.
The only problem I encountered was that I usually got an SMG. Every time. Oh well, it's the coolest switch I've ever seen, so 9/10.
Gah! Again. Darn it...
It looks good, the layout isn't bad, but the aesthetics are were it gets let down. It just looks sloppy. Some walls are falling over, some objects...
Looks good, but a bit small. However, I can see maybe 2v2 working on this map. Good interlocking, too. 7/10.
Bravo. So this is what started the Conquest Craze? Wow. It looks great even now. Great job, even if it is two years late. The map might not look...
Looks fun. I quite like the look of it. The layout looks fun, and the map looks great, too. Good job. 7.5/10,
This looks like a nice small 2v2 map. Great interlocking, too. However, someplaces it looks a bit rough. But overall, it looks really fun to play....
This looks pretty good. I really like the sweeping bridges implemented. It has nicely open parts, and a CQB areas. I quite like this map. Great...
Now this looks great. I really like the smooth, tall theme that you've executed on this map. The layout seems even and fair, and the aesthetics...