Wow, this looks great. The layout seems fun, and the aesthetics seem terrific. I really like this map. The huge thing above the custom powerup...
Well...I hate narrows. And I'm really not to sure about Rocket Race. I mean, the whole map is basically a huge narrow corridor. Thus the name....
It looks really cool, I quite like the multiple level concept, and it's been executed really well. However, I don't think you're supposed to post...
Wow, this looks cool. The aesthetics are great. It looks really smooth and symmetrical. I quite like it, so 8/10.
It looks pretty cool, big, and empty. However, are there weapons on the map? Anyway, for what's here, 7/10.
Well, don't we all love Pie?
Wow, this looks great. The whole layout looks great, and the hoop adds a giagantic feel to the map. Nice job, man. 4/5.
Well, it looks good, but what do you mean it sends you back to the start? Does that mean it's not a continuous loop? Anyway, most of it looks...
I was wrong, methinks.
This is posted in the wrong section. It's supposed to be in Halo discussion, methinks?
Mah birthday!
Try this link. It should help you. I had a quick look at the pics you linked, and the map looks alright. I'll wait until you imbed screenshots to...
Ah, no I realise now. Crap, I'm an idiot. It was Time Glitch. You both have far out sort of names, so I must have gotten you confused. My bad.
I vary from this [IMG] To this. [IMG]
Wow. Amazing. It looks so sleek, and realistic, and the Hornet pad fits in really well. The garage, too. This is one of the best, Val. Great...
O. Mai. Gawd. This is the most epic map I've seen on sandbox. So far, of course. But I'm sure that this is going to stay in my first spot for...
...Did I play Honour Blades with you?
Well, it looks like a good Competitive map, but not so much for Conquest. I mean, it's too open to play a good old traditional Conquest game. But...
Wow, this is amazing. You paid miraculous attention to detail on both the main area and the dunes. Great job, dude. You've made an amazingly...