uhh...**** my life? is that an appropriate response to the most epicly fail commercial on the face of my ass?
LOL! that was epic lol is it a series?
Your pictures aint working try using photobucket or emb them with the weird icon up on the toolbar
wow this is such an epic win but at the same time a Fail because its easy to use but it takes the effort out of making posts nowadays.
Conquest is a great gametype but I really dont get the rules yet.
I think that this thread should be locked or something and just made a sticky because all these replies are kinda unnesecary including this one.
Testing on this was a blast! I thought you said you were going to make it your 1000th post though? Anyways, the geomerging was superb and im glad...
lol epic right you could put that in the 1,000,000 party post now. XD
ya i asked my friend if you check the post i put a while back youll see that i put that it wasnt here she got it from somewhere else.
very nice map from the pictures. I like the layout of the map but i can see some places that took absolutely no effort at all to make. for example...
ehh it looks alright, from the pictures, the map looks a little small and I think that you could change the gravity hammer spawn time an...
Call it TEX DA' WHOOP Btw i got bored and drew this in "paint" :] [IMG]
when is the WEEK 4 for you template contest coming out? Im going to actually do my best for it if I like the template lol. EDIT: OMG...Camoflaug's...
uhh, i think you are the only girl forger on FH toochie doesnt forge she just rox peoples sox but you are the only girl here who is actually a...
k here is the map siggy thingamajigg [IMG] idk if i did a good job on it though
ok lol premium FTW? anyways im gonna get on the map siggy right now. I have no idea how to use gimp though
ok. I'll make the map sig tonight after i do this last round of testing with silence and linubidix
mmm... i think im going to test a slightly bit more. Cause after this round of testing I editted some things so i want to retake it. Also im...
uh huh i kept your curved wall on the attackers base and added another wall to make it like a fan, the wall in the middle of the box idea on the...
uhh spawns are working very well for slayer and all the other gametypes. CTF i added some flag respawn areas so that it would make it harder to...