Is that how you retaliate? you slam on other maps if we dont like your gameplay. Once again, I DO like your maps. I HATE the gameplay. Im tired of...
wow dude you just dont get it. I played a 2v2 on it and won by 12. at the end of the game i had 4 assasinations. 1 guy on the other team had 5....
Exactly LOL zombies point. YOU SUCK AT SPAWNS!!! Assassinamations were flying around like ducks in the winter! Get help from higher ups from now...
mkay mebe if i has teh time
BTW when are you getting your Live back?
nah its ok becasue theres enuff forge lag already
uh huh we are making a collaboration map that is covenant themed
I will probably get an infraction for this but seriously, I think every other experienced forger would agree that this map is really horrible at...
Played and tested and DLed both versions when it first came out like 2 months ago. Epic then and Epic now. Great job Pauliee.
about time :]
was it epic lol? I gave Dom's party a little preview. of One flag they liked it alot. :]
uh huh no problem. Tex told me you posted it.
Uhh? wow, i didnt expect an aesthetic map to get a feature :D always thought that the next one would be competitive havent seen to many of those...
uhh sure? gimme one sec
alright i made a gamtype for the map and for my future maps that go with this type of stuff, its called Chrono flag its a one flag gametype and...
alright i had a problem with flag and the switch but i fixed it. Ill give you the new new version after i am positive that there are no more flaws.
uh huh i know what premium is lol. ill write the post tonight if testing goes well.
I basically just get a whiteboard and draw structures for maps when im bored and if they are cool then i add them into my map to create an uber...
I cut up my maps so that they are available to do 1v1 on but thats about it. I pretty much post all my maps on Forgehub.
You could also check out ERIC10's convey thats a better map then pallet parade in my book and it uses a conveyor belt