Alby get your fatass over here and post on this :D it made me go: UHH..ROFLMAOLOLOLOLOBBQKFCMCDONALDS$5DOLLARFOOTLONGBMWVWAZNNOODLESFTW!!!
Is it now :D But yes this is one comedy movie that sets precedents as if it were Renegade! (oh jaa! TDHarding joo love my posts so much right now...
yes? How are you this fine evening?
we got a lot of posts but too many at the same time, not enough were bumps -.-"
i no right?
ok first of all i think you have a great layout working here. One thing you should and i really mean SHOULD change is how the overshield gives you...
k ty. Ya i guess you're right, lots of people on Forgehub have been putting some of the most retarded posts ive ever seen latey especially when...
1. TDHarding's Paragon and Renegade set many precedents on future map making. 2. BlazeIsGod makes very unique and interesting aesthetics that make...
Hence the description funniest, most random part of the movie...-.-"
did you know that youre rep weight on FH is 43 (>'')> Im about to get my third bar now O.O"
This map actually stands out to me because now that i look at it and its layout, I can see that this map has a very large amount of potential....
omgwtfbbq that was some pretty epic ****. The sarcasm was hilarious lol. I like the tazer part :D
uhh this is a really weird tage O.O" why would you put campaign stuff in it? lol :D
"Brick where'd you get a hand grenade?" O.O" "rule number 1: no touching of the hair on face." The funniest most random part of the movie Anchorman
I like the walker but i really dont think that you did a good job on gameplay but then again, thats why its an aesthetic map. Nice legs [;
edit the post: change the link with this URL they changed the forums : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details use that link. on...
Thanks Zebu. You always leave a great comment on my maps and i appreciate that. Post is starting to flopp though we need some more replys and DL's...
mmmm idk maybe becasue im gonna plan it out by myself on the new gigantor white board my momma bot me