I like the boarder.... *Says quietly*
I am a Christian/catholic. So, my thoughts are pretty much the same as staed above. I do believe that the human race will end, not in 2012, but...
That is where you are wrong. Take Kashmir Highlands, it had a terrain.
Make what you want...?
It's spelled *Piece*. And Kayaman is right, it's just going to be a bunch of random objects, I.E, Junkyard, that collaboratory thing, etc etc.
Burn. And, before you go posting and flaming others peoples' maps, you should actually use the search feature, and there are A LOT of good...
Is your profile lonely? *Takes huge crap* *Can't find door* *Dies of stench*
WoW...I can't pay for it XP But it looks OK. Looks more of a banner than a logo. I lovorz teh fontz tao.
Lol. Food. Yum. Yeah, I was going to fade the black and white into the bagel shop, but that was extremely difficult lining up both layers, so I...
This would be in Graphics and Arts. But this will help a lot. And the person who made the thread is so damn sexy!!...
[IMG] What do you think? It's basic, but cool?
Rofl. We all are losers here! Jk. Nah it's pretty cool here. Most of us are nice.
Haha looks very neat and fun. It'd be cool if you gradually have the mouth close.
All monsters are not. I really liked most of em. Ever tried Bawlz?
I know how to edit the sig out, but after you post....I don't think we can. Sorry to be off-topic.
I really only think there are 2 reasons why schools have dress codes (Uniforms) 1> cleavage 2> To make everybody feel equal so no one feels like...
I might not totally be on this topic, but from what I understand, I believe people do things all in the end for their own good. I think that...
I don't think this thread is necisary...*
You haz original link?