Mmm... Thanks Yeah but he's still a nub ... Lol
WTF? You're moron... EDIT: It's not possible... -rolls eyes- Old news, everyone knows about this. Sounds kinda stupid but anyway.
Well that's obvious, I'm thinking if there is a Halo4, I'm thinking about 2010/2011
Yeah it's no doubt that we all would love to see a new Halo game [is it just me or are the Halo3 graphics starting to look out dated already], but...
I remember Bungie saying when they released Halo2 that there would be no Halo3 Bungie ALWAYS lie...
Uhmm okay, I guess we'll find out when E3 is on =D
And your point is?
I don't know how reliable this websites source may or may not be but: SOURCE: Halo 4 announcement coming at E3 | Sarcastic Gamer
Sports...? Technically sports wont get him anywhere as well. Especially for him also xD So instead of one crazy nerd, there's a whole mass swarm...
That's hardly the point Bnasty, and anyway Samsung come built in with burn in protection systems and burn in removers. Not that I've had to use...
It certainly seems that got a bit lazy in some places...