Iknowright... srsly
The two main remakes I want to see back is;Battle/Beaver Creek [IMG] and Boarding Action [IMG]
Actually it's quite clear that the majority of people want remakes. Why would Bungie make a product that they know most people wont buy? That...
It's okay, you've had it for a while now though. So it's not really "new" as such =P
That's not what Nitrous told me
In a few days time I see... o_O
You're a mod o_O Very interesting xD
Exactly. Stop complaining bitches... I think it's pretty cool, not the best for Forge but we have Foundry... It was obviously made by 3 guys in...
Oh that kid is much cooler then Bill gates
It's there for a reason, and I deemed you worthy =]
Apparently I wasn't acting very much like a loyal. If they want me to act different to be a loyal then they can keep it.
Lol don't worry, I feel the same way. Except no 24 hours yay! =]
Indeed it did
But isn't that the definition of nub? Someone who is inexperienced?
We already know that they are making a prequel game. It's baed around the ODST and will be a squad based game. 3rd person I think. Like Ghost...
Probably because it's kinda... Yeah...
The code thing? Oh right, on the front page. Yeah I thought so =P I totally ripped it off xD
Uhmmm, you didn't post the link I did. You fail... There will always be new Halo4 topics... Nub
It's just a name.