Yeah. I'd keep off of guardian if I were you. Try to remake something that's unique. Maybe maps from other types of games for a change? It looks...
Ok now someone needs to give an opinion about the map and I guess I'll have to do that. The maap looks great and you recreated it right down to...
Umm.. Thanks for your feedback? I've played ctf on the map and spawn killing isn't really an issue for me. Most people dirrect their movement...
Yeah I'm friends with Tom. Only over live though
Yeah several people have mentioned that to me so I'll have to see what I can do about that.
My new map: Amplify has been posted! Be sure to check it out!
I dont know about matchmaking dude but it would be an epic tic-tac-toe map on forge. just sayin. and post more pictures before locked!
hey timmy. Be sure to check out my new map: Amplify and tell me what you think when you get the chance. thanks....
AMPLIFY Welcome to my latest map, Amplify. It's a symetrical map thats made for 2v2 purposes mainly (but is still compatable with up to 4v4)....
Glad you releases this. Gameplayed worked out very well in this and it's a great 2v2 map at that. I look foreword to seeing what you have next....
This, sir, is what forging is all about. I cant even imagine how long this took to make. Here's what I think about it. The circular opening in...
Phoenix Hello (cheesy greeting). This is Phoenix. A big team battle map that is compatable with Slayer, Teamslayer, and Capture the flag. It...
Pinpoint Arena... Download This is my 1st Halo 3 slayer map that i actually put effort in. I spent about 4 hours a day for 2 days working...
since they mentioned android being new in mlg... im guessing its new for the pro circuit? because its already been in the mlg playlist before...
One more giant step toward "Architect" Nice job on the details. so im guessing you're releasing the 2 versions of the map? or just the one...
ENERGIZED (Alert: Covenant Access Only!) This is a great 2v2 elite slayer map that I made some time ago... It is forged on Tempest and the color...
i enjoyed viewing this map and i figured (as you said) it could support grifball. i would very much love to see this in the grifball playlist
lol i was reported for replying to your cold storage map (that i posted Days ago). this is the post: "After seeing this, im glad you released it....
yeah what i was pissed about was the fact that i built it right along a barrier. so i had to innovate and shorten it up a little bit so it doesnt...
this map has a good concept but im afraid its too dull. if i were you, i would consider adding more structures around the edge of the map so...