hey. working any maps lately? i havent seen you post one in a while
Haha. Love the avatar you've got
This map is brilliant in every way... Though my xbox is gone and i cant have a crack at the map, I'm sure it would be pleasing to test it out...
In my opinion This is the best so far. The only problem i can see is that some of the areas of the body are a little out of proportion. Example:...
Great looking Map ya have here. Reminds me a little of my old map, Final Fronteir... Interesting concept... Great idea in making use of familiar...
whens your map coming out. it looks impressive from what i see on your signature.
if only the movie was in first person. Ive seen 1 and it sucked. but this could have a chance
Before I was introduced to live, I focused mainly on achievements and halo armor. those were the good old days and had so much fun searching for...
I've never seen so much hate haha. Please. Let's let by gones be by gones. I respect peoples opinions but try not to knock each other down about...
Not much of a fail. I'll give you a fail. http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=aM9s3-M_178
It was one of my favorite customs when this map was selected. There are many paths and elevations to it, and has a fair share of balances...
I have to vote Neuron II. Mostly because its aestheticly pleasing, and it has a steady flow when in multiplayer. Its my choice of map when it...
I've been wanting to get a classic map pack from 343 (I guess I'll have to wait till ce remake) and I guess this is just as good. It's remade...
this would be a great map for the 2v2 playlist (considering its a 2v2 map no duh) You've probably just made my Top 10 maps when it comes to...
most of them are from halo 3 because the screenshots for maps have replaced the others in temporary history on bungie.net. well... I hope you...
Yeah. I had 2 shotguns on the map at the time, but they were a bit overpowering. When I removed them, the gameplay was fairly decent
Yeah, they are a little dull. but ive tried several ideas to make it better, and they just make it look like crap. and i figured just leave it how...
Surveyor by TOMisHIGH Neuron II by Sugar Bioshock by Marcass2021
I need to try a custom on this. The map looks clean, and well forged. Im still trying to figure out what you used for those slanted walls in the...
KINETIC This is Kinetic. Kinetic Walkthrough (with download) - YouTube I've been wanting to create an open outdoor map for sometime...