In my opinion I don't really think it is. Many maps have Jumps that you are required to take to get to a certain weapon. And in this case that...
No thumbnail? U insane???. The map looks terrific. I'd add one if i were you. The detail is outstanding. And the layout is well structured and...
Um... I know u make alot of maps... But try to not post a million at a time. Maybe about 2 or 3 a week. Any more than that and it seems a little...
Although i agree in some ways... Its good to have some variety.. Something i need in my maps also.
This happened to me after the 1.8 was released
Why the GT Change? Hacked?
Zzonked (Shikarix) Babylon (Timmypanic) Embus (Branzor)
Sweet Baby Jesus, throw some Invasion in there! Though the layout seems purpously for Aesthetics, it would be real fun for competitive gametypes....
Very well forged. I'm disappointed that the lighting looks so much like tempest. And after a while this can lead to horrible seizures and life...
Nah not yet. Ima hafta eat my own words when christmas comes about. Looks fun anyways.
This looks appealing. With a nice variety in elevation and balance. But the only problems I see are all of those vertical structures. Though...
This is amazing. To me, it seems like a whole new forging style. It has a HUGE variation in pathways. And I'm shocked how well you conserved your...
Funny thing is... I've always HATED 2/2 steeps, they never gave a smooth incline. But I couldn't find anything that wouldnt take a bunch of room....
Fraps kinda sucks for me. Its either that or my computer. Nah its the computer.
It's a work in progress... Pardon the POOR quality... PART 1: New Minecraft Creation: Beseiged (work in progress) - YouTube PART 2:...
I'm looking foreward to playing on this map. (once my friend brings over his xbox). Those chairs are surprisingly new to me. I never would have...
I think I want to break your keyboard.
I vote for "2"-uh-I mean "S"... Sorry Depot.
Need to throw down some Invasion on this Bad Boy...