Please tell me you didnt take that **** seriously..
An orgasm of ear fail? really..
I was joking with RST..... Why the **** do you look at other conversations anyways? How is the arguement not making sense? i got a heart in my...
Go on forgebox, talk to me in the countdown.
Black, coloured borders r meh.
Then leave the thread..
I was never pissed... It's a ****ing forum.. I do not give a **** what you do with your user name, even if i was angry, you wouldn't ****ing...
Yeah the first one looks amazing, great angle, But the other ones are meh, like what Leeumm Said..
I was ****ing joking.. Its a forum.
You thought I was serious?
How am i being immature? I don't need you to talk to me like your my parents Nathaniel.
Apperently... But i do believe all it is is part of a crouch jump, but for the comparison thing, i lol'd
Fix the border colour and sharpen the chick.
Oh.. Its set as an announcement till 2012 lol
I dont think we need this any more.. Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Screenshot Guides
Wow, Your starting to sound like matt.
Gah, They all burn my eyes, you need to find WAAAY different effects.
Just got Photoshop cs3, anyone teach me some basics?
It seems pixel-ee