Awh. thats cute. Maybe just stop playing? or grow some balls. Joking.. But yeah, im a ***** when it comes to that stuff too, like i couldnt go...
I never said it was a big deal.. i was being sarcastic. protip; i dont make fun of countries..
Maybe they meant, take your photo, and add a widescreen border?
no.. not at all.
wait, wtf is your avatar?
No doubt.. i just caught that pun.
I Meant His parents new he was going to play guitar while they werent home so they specifically told him" Dont break your dads guitar" Apposed to...
i lol'd at the bruteshot in shanons ass.
So you mean his parents ssaid, " If your angry, whatever you do , DONT hit your brother or anyone else, Also, dont break your fathers guitar" ?
what he said.
Maybe his parents have taught him not to take his anger out on other people?
I Didnt know it was a minitage. I thought it was like, all out montage lol, thats why i reccomended a long song. but yeh, those might work.
Im not a groupie or anything, i just like some of there songs, lmfaoo
omg i just watched the begining of it, i almost pissed my pants at first... I cant watch the rest. so i cant prove anything from that vid. but if...
I cant, i havn't watched it, i didnt say it was fake, i said it probably was fake.
Thats crazy beats.. Maybe ghosts n stuff, but idk.
I still dont think its as good as the WoW one....
Im afraid to watch that video.. its like, 3. And im sure its edited.. or just a coincidence of somesort..
Facepalm.. Nice song choice yo.