Your title<3
[IMG] Found itt.
Don't think so which means that beauty is right here.
I liked this map, overall, when we played it. While my beef doesn't lay with the low ceiling, I felt the spawns were a tad heavy on that 'lift'...
I can read this.
I really love this. One thing that really bugs me tho, is the Coliseum walls, bleh. I just feel they are the lazy way of setting boundaries....
Lemme start by saying TSB, best avatar EVAR! lulz The map: Beautiful. In the Forge Discussion I recall stating that the whole enclosed-BTB idea...
This map has always been a blast to test. Was feeling the Rat's Nest vibe since the first game. Spawning was like the only thing that needed any...
It's meant to be posted under Casual. Believe, Titmar knows what's he's doing. If either of you would have bothered to have read the whole OP...
Alright, I registered you. Lemme know what's going down when you're on again.
'Tis a shame all of the glitches tied to the outer boundaries, as this could've broke the limits necessary for a 'competitive' label. No matter,...
Would be nice if you showed us pics of YOUR map also, man. Never played Vista but this map looked way cool, sucks I couldn't ever get to play it.
I approve this message.
Oh I'll find a way. Sent a FR, hook me up with an inv whenever.
Lol, just giving the people what they want. And yes, I'm getting a somewhat of a Stasis vibe from what I'm seeing. Of course a full overview would...
You say a Gears map with the catwalks, perhaps you were referring to Stasis? That was one of my favorites. btw, this is another great shot....
This is such a big step forward for BTB maps. Never before have I seen a fully enclosed BTB map as wonderfully forged as this. If you guys are...
like me bbe. Honestly 15 bucks isn't a whole lot of money, and Treyarch has the better maps imo, so I don't personally care about the price...
gooood boy!